Ackerley Scholars Guest Lecture Program
The Ackerley Computer Science and Technology Scholars Program
benefits computer science and information technology students
at Graceland by sponsoring events for all computing students
such as bringing in guest lecturers.
These are usually hosted by the student chapter of the ACM.
Past lecture events are listed below in reverse chronological order.
ACM/Ackerley Program Guest Lecturer
Brian Anders
Title: Working at Nest
Place: 103 Resch, Mon, April 28, 2014, 8 p.m.
Brian Anders is a former Ackerley Scholar and 2013 alumni with
a triple major in
Computer Science, Information Technology, and Mathematics and
a minor in Web Design. He began working at Nest Labs
as an intern which lead to being hired. He works on widgets and
web projects for Nest. This year Google
acquired Nest Labs for $3.2 billion.
Brian talked about the culture at Nest Labs
and the excitement that surrounded the aquisition.
Brian recommended that every student in computing
open a GitHub account and use it for all school and personal
projects. That would be transformative by making students
more open, more collaborative, and more aware of versioning.
It would also become an archive or portfolio that future employers
could check out. Brian said "your education
is what get's you the interview, but it is your knowledge that
get's you the job". Brian's advice to students was to have
passion about programming and to be working on personal projects,
because that is where your learning takes off. He also advised that
in your new job you should "project success" and determine to have
a positive outlook.
Don't be the complainer or the team member who is the downer.
Afterwards Brian gave a "tour" of the underlying code on his
web site and his
GitHub account.
ACM Distinguished Speaker Program
Dr. Don Costello
Title: Cryptography: from Enigma to Elliptical Curve Cryptography
Place: 106 Resch, Mon, April 8, 2013, 8 p.m.
Don Costello is a member of the British Computing Society who has lectured
all over the world and been a consultant with over 100 firms internationally.
He enlightened us on encryption methods used during both World Wars and on
major advancements since then which we all count on in our network activity.
He pointed out that the recent cyber-attacks against banks, utilities,
businesses, military, and government make this field of study an important
and lucrative one. Don pointed to the young people in the audience and said
you will our best hope to secure the freedoms and livelihood for all of us.
We had 80 in attendance, many from Lamoni and surrounding communities.
ACM Distinguished Speaker Program
Dr. Chris Wyman
Title: Computer Graphics Today
Place: 104 Resch, Mon, November 14, 2011, 8 p.m.
Chris Wyman has a Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of
Utah and taught at the University of Iowa. His research interests
lie broadly in computer graphics, focusing on interactive realistic
image synthesis and lighting effects such as global illumination,
participating media, and specular surfaces. His students have gone on to do
computer graphics in film, gaming, avionics and defense.
Professor Wyman talked about how
computer graphics has changed many industries and he layed out
the current challenges and on-going research on creating
realistic images quickly, and how that can be applied for games,
entertainment, and more.
ACM/Ackerley Program Guest Lecturer
Bob Billings
Title: Products, Projects, and Careers at Garmin
Place: 146 Science, Tues, Oct 10, 2007, 8 p.m.
Bob Billings graduated from Graceland in 1986 with majors in
Computer Engineering, Computer Science with minors in
Physics and Mathematics. After graduation, he worked for
King Radio designing integrated flight management systems
for business jets and light commercial jets and was
involved in development of LORAN and GPS receivers.
He joined Garmin International's Avaiation department in 1995
doing embedded systems programming and design on
aviation devices
such as panel mounted GPS
receivers and integrated GPS, communication and NAV receivers.
In addition to these stand alone units, Bob was involved in designing
and developing the G1000 Integrated Avionics
System (
He was involved in the development of the interface adapter unit,
engine and airframe unit, weather radar system, transponder,
audio panel, controllers and auto pilot system.
Bob spoke about various Garmin products and the
efforts involved in their engineering and development.
Bob encouraged students to get internship experience and any outside
project work. He was impressed with students' robotics projects because
of problems solving challenges and embedded systems programming
that students would have to experience.
ACM/Ackerley Program Guest Lecturer
Terry Chown
MITRE Corporation
Title: Intelligence Work at MITRE
Place: 146 Science, Thurs, Sept 21, 2006, 8 p.m.
Terry Chown graduated from Graceland in 1987 with majors in Computer Engineering,
Computer Science, Mathematics, Electrical Engineering (via Liberal Studies),
and a minor in Physics. Terry served in U.S. Army intelligence
before joining
MITRE Corporation
as a civilian. He is currently assigned to the
National Air and Space Intelligence Center (NASIC) at Wright-Patterson Air Force
Base as an Associate Department Head. He has had major involvement in testing
our missile and space warning networks, orchestrating an annual test
of the U.S. Missile, Atmospheric, and Space Warning networks and implementing
military exercises that simulated large nuclear strikes against North America.
Terry and his staff work on various security projects that involve a number of
intelligence agencies. He spoke about intelligence careers in general and
the professional climate at MITRE Corporation. He pointed out that
security and intelligence work is in a
growth phase since 9/11, and he spoke highly of the sense of purpose and mission
which such careers provide.
Terry reflected on his years at Graceland and its impact on his life.
He shared one piece of advice,
Don't delay graduation by adding too many majors like I did.
You will gain more by finishing up and doing additional study later on
a master's degree...
plus your employer may help pay for it!
ACM/Ackerley Program Guest Lecturer
David Linkletter
Special Agent with State Fire Marshal,
Bureau of Arson and Explosives
Iowa Department of Public Safety
Title: Robots in Law Enforcement
Place: 146 Science, Tues, March 14, 2006, 8 p.m.
David Linkletter is a Graceland alumni (Sociology/Human Resources, 1994)
who joined the Iowa Department of Public Safety after graduation.
As a special agent with the Bureau of Arson and Explosives
in Iowa he has been trained
and works with the
Robotec Andros F6A.
David spoke generally on the roll that robotics plays in law enforcement
and shared some interesting stories. The highlight was the demonstration
of the Andros F6A as he sent it up several stairs
in the lecture hall and out the door to seek unsuspecting students working
in the CS Lab. He answered questions that were of interest to the many
students involved in robotic projects at Graceland about the
design and controls of the robot.
David was an interesting speaker with a great sense of humor.
He joked about his limited science-based classwork
at Graceland and the nature of his work now
gotta bomb situation... this calls for a sociologist).
Clearly, David enjoys what he is doing, work that is both
critically important and often dangerous.
In a step climbing demonstration, David stopped the robot after
several steps to avoid damage saying
I could take it to the
top but your steps would be trashed... something I would
not care about in a real situation.
ACM/Ackerley Program Guest Lecturer
Tony Crandell
Principal Associate
Access Integration Specialists, Co.
Lamoni, IA
Title: The Iowa Communications Network (ICN) and State-Wide Communications
Place: 146 Science, Tues, Nov 29, 2005, 8 p.m.
Tony Crandell was the first employee and senior designer for the
Iowa Communication Network (ICN), a statewide fiber optics network.
He continues to be a consultant to the
State of Iowa on WiMAX, radio interoperability, and homeland security
issues. Iowa was the first state to create such a network,
connecting all of its 99 counties to facilitate communication and
resource sharing in government, health care, education, and other
non-commercial services. Its supreme offering is its provision for
high quality full motion, two-way interactive video.
The ICN has been studied by other states and
countries as a model for similar projects. Tony said that Iowa was a
leader in this area because of it commitment to education and the
relatively low cost to lay new fiber cable here. On this latter point,
he said with some hyperbole: you can pull a plow from one end
of Iowa to the other without hitting a large obstacle.
His talk included a history of the ICN and Iowa State Communications,
specific political and managerial challenges that were faced,
what we have learned, interesting stories in how it is being used,
and predictions for the future. He closed with a demonstration of
a web-based prototype that interconnects separate emergency radio
networks in the state.
Tony is a Graceland alumni (1969) and long-time Ham Radio operator.
ACM/Ackerley Program Guest Lecturer
Bill MacNaughton
Project Consultant
Perficient, Inc.
Houston, TX
Title: Enterprise Application Integration (EAI) using TIBCO
Place: CSLab & 103 Science, January 3-20, 2005, 9am-3pm daily
Bill MacNaughton was guest instructor for Winter Term 2005, offering the
TIBCO Boot Camp taught to IT professionals. Students were trained
to use the TIBCO toolset (including Rendezvous, BusinessWorks, Hawk Administrator,
Portal Builder) to implement EAI solutions based on a publish/subscribe messaging model.
Bill has over 20 years of IT experience and is a senior consultant and chief trainer
at Zettaworks ( a company
founded by Bob and Lee Ackerley (
Smith & Assoc). Days prior to
class Zettaworks was acquired by Perficient, Inc.
In addition to the hands-on training, Bill shared his experiences with
Enterprise-level projects, politics, successes, and mistakes.
He advised students to learn how business
enterprises work and become comfortable communicating in that realm.
He told us not to be flustered by high-level development environments
that make it difficult to operate at the level of detail programmers are
accustomed to. It is the wave of the future, especially for EAI.
ACM/Ackerley Program Guest Lecturer
Terry Patterson
ProCurve Networking Business
Hewlett-Packard Company
Overland Park, KS
Title: Networking Industry - Products, Issues, and Predictions
Place: 146 Science, Tues, Oct 26, 2004, 8 p.m.
Terry Patterson was a 1986 Graceland graduate who majored in
Computer Information Systems (a forerunner of the IT major).
He works for Hewlett-Packard in the Kansas City area
currently offering HP's ProCurve Networking solutions to clients.
Terry discussed the networking industry in general terms
including trends, futures, security, and hot topics in the market.
He answered questions and discussed what companies, like HP,
look for when hiring people. Terry gave career advice for
surviving and thriving in a volatile industry during uncertain times.
His advice was to be a visionary and to stay alert to what is going on
at the highest levels of an organization, being ready to move to where
the opportunities are, adding
"it's hard to hit a moving target."
Distinguished Ackerley Scholars Program Lecturer
Homecoming'04 - 30th Anniversary of Computer Science
Larry Fairchild
Deputy Director, Enterprise Operations Directorate
National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency
Title: Computer Technology for Global Intelligence
Place: 218 Zimmermann, Fri, Oct 1, 2004, 11 a.m.
Larry Fairchild was the first computer science graduate from Graceland,
receiving a double major in Computer Science and Mathematics in 1974.
Since then he has worked in federal service with the
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA),
beginning as a scientific programmer and
systems analyst, moving to an analytical role when offices emerged to
address global issues, and taking on several senior-level posts
including Senior Advisor for Science and Technology, Director of
Advanced Analytical Tools, and Director of Advanced Information Technology.
He is currently on loan to the
National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA)
as the Deputy Director of the Enterprise Operations Directorate.
Larry spoke of the important work being done in Intelligence and of
business partnership opportunities through
He also spoke about job opportunities, his career, and the secrets of his success.
ACM/Ackerley Program Guest Lecturer
Ryan Carver
Media and Web Designer
LookAndFeel New Media
Kansas City, MO
Title: Flash Programming for Game Design
Place: Helene Center MacLab, Tues, Apr 27, 2004, 7 p.m.
Ryan graduated from Graceland in 2000 with a BA in Commercial Design Art
and a minor in Computer Science. He works for LookAndFeel New Media
[now Barkley Interactive at]
creating websites that capture attention for clients. His
website, featured on countless sites and the city
newspaper, reached 90,000 hits per day with many millions of
visitors who have created flakes. His
Duncan Man
game was a
promotional piece for
Duncan Yo-Yo Company's 75th anniversary.
Ryan's presentation covered the technical and artistic aspects of both websites,
noting that he had to learn some linear algebra for the snowflake design.
Ryan said that Data Structures was an important course in his background
and he advised any serious game or Flash developer to take all the
programming courses possible in school.