Listening to Graceland's KBUZ Radio

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These instructions are courtesy of Paul Davis, Dennis McElroy, and others, in response to questions from Gracelanders.

How it should work

Point your web browser to You should see an On-line Radio section in which you select from ON or OFF campus to indicate from where you are accessing the radio web page and then press the play button. You should start hearing tunes and will probably see a control panel for the music-playing software that got launched. If not, make sure that your sound is not set to mute or turned down. If you do not have a music player installed then you need to download and install it.

Windows Users

If you need a player to be installed, then look on the page under the Main Menu and select Download Winamp Player (or Download Real Player). This is the program your computer needs to put the station into your computer. Just follow the easy prompts... it only takes about 2 minutes for this. Suggestion:…create an alias on your desktop for KBUZ and you will always be just a click away from the broadcast.

Macintosh Users

Mac users can listen to the student run internet based radio station too. If you have iTunes on your computer (this works for Windows too!) simply select the location you are listening from and click play. This will download a file called "listen.pls" and it should automatically open iTunes and start playing the station. It will also put a link in iTunes titled Graceland University Radio KBUZ. To listen again just select that link and click play!

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