Clarifications and Hints

Problem 8 - Pig Latin Generator

Question 1: How are we supposed to handle acronyms, or words with more than one capital letter in them?
You can assume that there will be no acronyms in the sentences (e.g., no IBM or HP). Any word that is capitalized will only have its first letter capitalized and no other.
Question 2: The Sample Input and Expected Output do not match up line for line because of word wrapping. Can we do it any way we want or is there a specific rule we must follow?
The problem specs incorrectly shows word wrapping, done by Microsoft Word. Each line of input should be converted to a line of output. There will ALSO be an empty line at the end of the input file. DO NOT print any blank lines in the output. Here is how they should have looked in the problem specs:

Sample Input
If you can speak Pig Latin, this will be an easy
assignment. If not, it's still fun.
This is a quick new line.
  a blank line follows the last line of input text
Expected Output
Ifway ouyay ancay eakspay Igpay Atinlay, isthay illway ebay anway easyway
assignmentway. Ifway otnay, it'sway illstay unfay.
Isthay isway away ickquay ewnay inelay.
Question 3: What is the spacing requirement between words?
One or more spaces is possible between words in the input, but you can output one space between words in the output. Actually, we altered the "auto judge" on this problem so it will ignore spaces on the lines of output. Therefore, it does not matter how many spaces (if any) separate your words and punctuation. Don't print tabs (\t) characters for any of your spaces in the output.
Question 4: I am pretty sure mine is correct but the Auto Judge keeps telling me it is wrong?
We can check and correct anything that the Auto Judge incorrectly handled. The auto judge does a line for line comparison with the judge's answer file so avoid printing blank lines unless told to do so. The most likely reason that your answer is wrong is that you have not accounted for some cases that appear in the judge's input (which you don't see) but do not appear in the Sample Input shown in the problem. You should always test your program on the extreme cases, sometimes called "boundary conditions". For this problem you might include a line like this in your input file to see if it is handled correctly:
   A  X  a  x  "A"  "A's?"  "a-b-c'd!"   'X'   abc-222-xyz

The judge's input file might not have these extreme cases, but it might.