Unix and Linux Systems (CSIT1300)

Spring 2010, 1-1:50 p.m. MWF, Room 130 Rsch (CSLab)

Instructor: Jim Jones
    Office/Hrs: Room 118, Resch Sci Bldg (x5294), 10-11 a.m. daily and when available
    Cell Phone: 641-442-5105 (or 9-442-5105 from campus phone)

Text: UNIX - the textbook , 2nd ed., by Sarwar, Koretsky, and Sarwar (always bring your text to class).

Course Description:
An introduction to Linux, a Unix-based operating system that is predominantly known for its use in servers on the Internet and small computing devices. Through extensive practice students will become familiar with the Unix shell commands, utilities and file organization on a server account. Students will also do a local Linux installation and some basic systems administration tasks.

Course Schedule:
I will be covering things that are not necessarily in the textbook so it is important that you attend every class (see Grading section on attendance). We will follow the chapters in the textbook from beginning to end.

I assign points to assignments, projects, and quizzes that reflect their value relative to each other without being weighted in any special way. Thus, a 20 pointer has twice the value of 10 pointer no matter whether it is an exercise or an exam. One's score is simply computed from the sum of all scores earned divided by the total possible. Attendance and participation is expected throughout the course. Perfect attendance will earn the student a 2% bonus. Every absence will count 1% off, unless it is excused in which case it will have to be made up to eliminat the penalty (typically an extra assignment or a 3-page paper). Grade threshold follows:

A: 90% and above B: 80% and above C: 70% and above D: 55% and above F: below 55%

Final Exam:
Thursday, May 13, 2010, at 1-3 p.m.
Mark your calendar NOW since there is a strict Graceland policy on final examinations. Only those with 3 or more finals on the same day can seek changes.

Classroom Civility/Courtesy:
Checking email and engaging in electronic chats are inappropriate during class sessions, during labs or while I am lecturing. These constitute lack of participation and may accumulate absence or participation penalties.
It is rude and disruptive to come late or leave early. If you need to do so, please inform or ask me beforehand.
Turn off cell phones during class and exams. I do not want you checking your text messages and replying. See me beforehand if you need them.
Hats, notes, bookbags and other materials are to be placed on the floor or out of sight during an exam.
Civility is expected toward the teacher and with each other. Being disruptive or argumentative in class is inappropriate. Resolve conflicts outside of classtime.

Plagiarism and Cheating:
So much of what we do is electronic in nature, easy to transmit and copy. Take special care to stay honest when seeking help and facing a deadline. Protect your work from those who might copy it and do not get so involved in helping someone that you are merely doing their work (an easy trap to fall into). When in doubt about what is appropriate, ask me. See also the Graceland policy on academic integrity.

Any student who, because of a disabling condition, may require some special arrangements in order to meet course requirements should contact the instructor as soon as possible to make necessary accommodations.